Our Shared Values - Equality, Diversity, Tolerance and Peace

We at the Seattle Cascades are horrified by the recent indignant deaths of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and countless other African Americans and people of color throughout our nation's history.
The Seattle Cascades was founded on and lives by a set of shared values that focus on inclusiveness, diversity, selflessness and a strong belief in family and community. We design our educational programs to help young people find these values in themselves and learn to apply them effectively throughout their lives. Hatred, racism, bigotry, discrimination, violence and destruction – these are all polar opposites to what Seattle Cascades as an organization – as a family – believe in and practice. These things have no place in drum corps and no place in life.
I, along with the Northwest Youth Music Association Board of Directors, offer our compassion and support to our staff and members of color who are above all else our friends and family. We grieve with the community as we look forward to teach and embody the belief that Black lives matter and that together we will continue to encourage change as we “imagine the future”.
Letha Nelson
President, Northwest Youth Music Association Seattle Cascades Drum and Bugle Corps